In this issue #19-02
Optimize Your Use of the ASC Client Support Center
ASC’s online Client Support Center (CSC) is a valuable resource for managing your CSC logins, obtaining support, viewing Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), downloading documentation, watching training videos, and reading about or downloading the latest updates and patch files.
- Go to the ASC website and log in on the top right of the homepage by choosing Customer Login and Client Support Center.
Hint: Bookmark this link in your browser for easy access:
- After logging in using your User Name and Password, you will be placed on the Request Support page. Fill in your ASC Client ID, contact information, select your Product, then complete the Subject and add a Description. Use the Choose File or Browse button at the bottom of the page to attach a file, report, screenshot, etc. Submitting a request for support is the fastest way to obtain help.
- Click on FAQS and select ASC or DGEM FAQS.
- Click on the + to expand the FAQs by product or search the FAQs by using the Search ASC FAQs tool at the top of the page.
- Click on Documents and ASC System.
- Select the file(s) you wish to download, input your contact information on the right side of the screen, then click on Download Files.
- When prompted, right-click on the file name and select “Save Target As…” or “Save Link As…” to download the selected file.
ASC’s online Client Support Center is the fastest way to obtain Support. Other methods of contacting Support are available, though they may take a little bit longer:
• Email directly to the Support team at
• Toll-free phone: 800-950-2082 then press “2”
PensionPal Joins ASC: A Year Later
Time flies! It’s already been over a year since our acquisition of PensionPal!
ASC acquired PensionPal, adding a second CRM to our suite of products to give clients more choice. PensionPal can work with any record-keeping system, whereas our existing CRM, CATTS, is an online application specifically created to work with ASC Systems.
In the past year, we added many enhancements to PensionPal. To start, we recently welcomed Brenda Lounsbury to the PensionPal Support Team. In addition to helping PensionPal users directly, Brenda is writing User Reference Guides as well as creating a dynamic training process and video series.
Regarding actual product enhancements, we’ve added many. For example, PensionPal now integrates with ASC’s DGEM Documents, as well as our Valuation System’s DC Compliance Results and Employee data. Additional integration between PensionPal and ASC Valuations’s Employee & Plan Provisions for DB is expected to roll out with this fall’s release.
We don’t have room in this article to list all the enhancements, so the PensionPal Support Team chose their favorite three new features below.
Contact support if you have any questions about how to use these features. And, please join Randy Bryan in our upcoming webcast December 3rd, 2019, when he’ll review the year’s enhancements along with sharing helpful tips for PensionPal users.
Our 3 Favorite Enhancements (in addition to the integration mentioned above):
- Fully Customizable – Set up workflow steps including checklists to match your team’s workflow process
- Start and Stop Workflow steps
- Manage Processes – Assign and track task completion
- Access Workflow tasks and steps
- Create customized reports for viewing
- Compare data similar to the Dual Year Comparison Report Feature
- In the past users have been able to track changes by field.
- New enhancements allow changes to be tracked by Form (page) and Client.
Additionally ASC continues the tradition of Randy’s helpful PensionPal Tips emailed weekly. Check your emails for the “PensionPal Weekly Tip”, designed for users to continuously learn and maximize their use of the PensionPal system. Click here for the most recent Weekly Tip. All weekly tips are stored and may be accessed in the Client Support Center.
See below :
- Click on documents and select ASC System.
- Select PensionPal Tips in the dropdown.
- Select the files and then click Download Files.
- Individually designed 403(b) plans moving to a pre-approved plan document need to be restated no later than March 31, 2020. (These plans are referred to in the Document Generation & Management System (DGEM) as “EGTRRA” plans.)
- EGTRRA Defined Benefit plans and individually designed Cash Balance plans moving to a pre-approved plan document need to be restated onto PPA documents no later than April 30, 2020. (Individually designed Cash Balance plans are also referred to in DGEM as “EGTRRA” plans.)
For more information or to schedule a demo, please email us at
Meet Randy Bryan, PensionPal Support Specialist
Randy Bryan joined ASC’s staff in April of 2018 when ASC acquired PensionPal. He has been a great asset to ASC and assists PensionPal clients with all of their needs.
Tell us a little about yourself:
I grew up in Brooklyn, New York and have since moved to Indianapolis, Indiana and most recently (2016) to Tampa, Florida with my dog, Brooklyn. In my heart though, I am Costa Rican. Both of my parents are Costa Rican. They live there now and I visit them periodically.
When I lived in Indianapolis, I worked for a TPA for 10 years. When the company I worked for acquired PensionPal, I fell in love with the program! It is so intuitive and customizable and I learned how to use it from a client’s point of view. When I left the TPA I was working for, Saeed Golnabi, owner of PensionPal reached out to me and I joined him at the company. The rest is history!
How would you describe yourself?
Do I have to answer that? I will? I am direct, honest and fun to be around. I like to have a good time. I am also very real – I guess that is part of being direct – I say it like it is! I am also very hardworking and enjoy my job immensely. But when work is over for the day, the fun begins!
What exactly does your job at PensionPal entail?
I am the “front man” for PensionPal clients. I am there for them to reach out to. If a user would like to go over different options and variables and how to work the system, I am here to help. I answer questions. I assist users with the customizations they need and more. I also dabble in client demos.
Additionally, I send out a Weekly Tips email to our users with PensionPal tips and ideas in order to maximize their use of PensionPal. I also assist in the development and testing on the backend with the PensionPal developers and some of my ideas have actually been incorporated into the system. Really cool!
What skills and abilities do you have that enable you to succeed?
Firstly, I have a lot of experience with the PensionPal system, both from a user’s perspective and as an employee. Therefore, I have the skills to help users with what they need to accomplish. Users tell me exactly what they want the system to do for them and I can usually figure out how to get it done. The fact that I have “been on the other side of the fence” really helps in this area.
How do you handle stress?
Once my workday is done, I make sure to lounge, relax and de-stress. I like to “veg out” after the day is done or call a friend and talk. I think it is an important way to handle stress management. Even if the day is stressful at work, I push through until my “lounging time” after work. And then I C-H-I-L-L!
What are your hobbies, Randy?
I am an avid video game player. I also dabble in IT. I am working on turning my home into a “Smart Home”. Using Alexa, I can turn the lights on and off, change the lighting colors, turn on the TV automatically and more. Basically, I am turning Alexa into my personal assistant. I would love if she can cook in the kitchen a bit, but I haven’t figured that one out yet! I also enjoy going out to the movies with my girlfriend Claire.
Wow. You are a multi-faceted individual!
What lessons has life taught you & whom do you admire?
My friend in high school said, “Sometimes you get the bear, and sometimes the bear gets you”. That is my motto. Life can go either way and I just “roll with the punches”!
I very much admired and still admire my older brother. He passed away in 2017. He is 8 years older than me and was my big brother and father figure always. He helped me to become the man I am and I owe him everything. His advice, his resilience and his love for me will forever be remembered.
What is your impression of ASC since you have joined the company?
I love working here! To be honest, I was expecting a very corporate stiff environment, as ASC is a very prominent corporate company in the Industry. To my surprise, the atmosphere is a lot more chilled than I thought it would be. Everyone is so friendly and nice. My superiors have a lot of faith in me and allow me to do my work without micromanaging. There is a very homey feel to the company, and I am sure I am not the only one who feels this way!
Randy, it was truly a pleasure to interview you. ASC is lucky that you are on board! And we wish you much success in all your future endeavors!!
Plan Restatement Deadlines are Less than 1 Year Away!
We all know that plan document restatement cycles are a way of life in our world! Don’t wait until the last minute – make sure you are aware of these important restatement deadlines:
Unlike prior individually designed 403(b) plan documents, churches, church-related organizations, retirement income accounts and governmental/dual status entities cannot use the same 403(b) plan document as does a 501(c)(3) entity, subject to ERISA. Likewise, Defined Benefit plans for governmental entities also required a separate plan document under PPA. If you find that you need to obtain any additional IRS advisory letters to complete your 403(b), Defined Benefit or Cash Balance plan restatements, don’t wait! Contact as soon as possible to request the necessary IRS Advisory Letter application forms.
Work & Play at ASC
Work is always a fun experience at ASC. After attending the NIPA Conference at the end of April, members of ASC were treated to a “team building” event at an Escape Room in LA. Team building events help to bring the ASC team together. This leads to strategizing (and relaxing!) in a non-conforming atmosphere so that we can give our clients the highest quality products and service that they deserve and expect from ASC!