Compliance Testing System

The BEST Compliance Testing System in the Industry! Here's why
Both web and premise-based systems available. The choice is yours.

Product SheetSystem RequirementsSample Reports

ASC is unquestionably the pension industry’s leader in compliance testing – with approximately half of the 401(k) accounts in the Unites States tested on the ASC system. It is in use by the majority of the largest investment firms, mutual fund families and insurance companies in the nation.

The Compliance Testing System, developed in conjunction with our customers’ needs, handles the most complicated plan scenarios and provides a complete illustration and solution. The system is sophisticated, yet easy to use. No longer do administrators have to “go outside the system” to perform these difficult tests. This frees plan professionals and consultants to design the most complex and flexible plans for their clients knowing that they can cost effectively administer them year after year. That is why most of the top mutual fund families, investment firms and insurance companies have selected ASC.

The Compliance Testing System handles both small and large plans, combining speed with sophisticated results. It comes included with ASC’s DC/401(k) package and is also available as an independent system for use with any other recordkeeping system.

  • Eliminates time consuming reruns and data manipulations by generating multiple corrections or solutions for failed ADP/ACP tests
  • All tests can be performed on multiple plans
  • PEO/Multiple ER Plan Testing
  • Determines Eligibility, Key EE and HCE
  • 410(b) ratio percentage test and average benefits test
  • 401(a)(4) non-discrimination test
  • Run ADP and ACP tests at any time with or without projections
  • Interfaces with any recordkeeping system and can include data from multiple plans or plans not on the ASC Compliance Testing System
  • Interactive or high-volume batch processing
  • Performs required tests on multiple plans with user-specified aggregation or disaggregation
  • Calculates failed test refunds with attributable match and/or various QNEC/QMAC solutions
  • Performs matching calculations and produces variance reports
  • 402(g) deferral limit with corrective solutions
  • 415 limit calculations with user selected source/plan priority for corrective solutions
  • 416 top heavy test
  • 414(s) non-discrimination compensation testing
  • Plan Limits Test
  • Catch-up Summary
  • Puerto Rico Test
  • Non-qualified Plan Testing
  • Benefits Rights and Features Testing
  • Test Results Summary Report
  • Please see the ASC System Hardware Requirements for specific requirements for server and workstations and Software Deployment Options for information on in-house servers, cloud servers and remote access.
401(a)(4) Cross-Testing with Budget Solving and Proposal System

The 401(a)(4) Testing Module is for Cross-Testing and/or designing new comparability plans. Functionality includes: extensive rate calculation methods, including annual accrual, accrued-to-date and permitted disparity, as well as multiple 401(a)(4) group definitions, and an option to disaggregate those participants who have not met the statutory eligibility requirements.

The Budget Solving Routines also include the calculations necessary for determining estimated self-employment taxes and adjusted income for Keogh/Sole Proprietor and Partnership Plans. And the Proposal System includes an easy export for side-by-side plan design comparisons.

To learn more about our 401(a)(4) Budget Module, click here.

Compliance Automation Tools

Single Step Processing (SSP):
SSP enables unattended compliance testing and administrative tasks across multiple plans through intelligent automation based on logic and ASC system settings and dialogs. Automate data importing, case updating, calculations & more. SSP can be customized to fit your needs. Learn More >>

Money Manager Link (MML:
MML provides automated bi-directional data flow between your external recordkeeping platform and the ASC testing system. Large volumes of plan & participant data can be imported via an unattended mode. Learn More >

Compliance System Sample Screens

ADP/ACP Compliance Screenshot

ADP/ACP Compliance Corrections Setup Screenshot

401(a)(4) Compliance Screenshot