ASC Newsletter
In this issue #17-03:
Introducing 5 New Pre-Approved 403(b) Plans
Meet your clients’ document requirements with 5 new 403(b) plan types available on ASC’s DGEM system. ASC’s Document Generation and Management (DGEM) system offers a unique approach in managing your plan documents with ease.
Select from 5 pre-approved 403(b) documents to manage your client needs:
- Fully Flexible 403(b) Plan (for 501(c)(3) organizations)
- Salary Reduction Only 403(b) Plan)
- Governmental 403(b) Plan
- Non-Electing 403(b) Church Plan (without retirement income accounts)
- Retirement Income Account 403(b) Church Plans.
ASC documents are drafted by our experienced ERISA experts lead by ASCi Principal John Griffin, J.D., LL.M. The DGEM system is user-friendly and designed with built-in default provisions, comprehensive validation checks and E-sign capability.
Additionally, ASC’s Silver Consulting Services are available. Our ERISA experts, John Griffin, J.D., LL.M., Richard Hochman, J.D. and Trent Hoilien, Esq., APM are here to assist you in answering regulatory questions which arise in your day-to-day retirement plan practice.
Looking for more details? Register for our 403(b) Plans Update recorded webcast and earn 2 CE credits. Or view our ASC Alert: 403(b) Plan Developments for more information.
Contact us today at to sign up for your new pre-approved 403(b) documents!
0% Filing Errors for ASC 5500 Users
Did you know that ASC 5500 Users received a 0% filing error rate from the IRS for the past few years?

If you are not a 5500 User yet, now might be a good time to learn more about using the 5500 System. The system is fully web-based, compliant with IRS EFAST2 requirements and integrated with ASC Valuation Systems, and no additional server fees. And ASC has already received EFAST2 Certification for 2017!
We Welcome Trent Hoilien, Esq., APM to the ASC Plan Documents Team

We are pleased to announce that Trent Hoilien, Esq., APM has joined ASC. Trent is an active member of the Plan Document team and is working together with John Griffin, J.D., LL.M., Rich Hochman, J.D., APM and Dawn Johnson, CRSP. Trent has worked extensively with ASC documents in his many of years of experience, including using DGEM to restate more than 7,000 PPA defined contribution plans. Trent has expertise with a variety of retirement plans, including defined contribution, defined benefit, 403(b), and 457 plans. Since June 5th, Trent has already made valuable contributions to DGEM support and the regulatory discussions among the plan document team!

Can you tell us a little about yourself?
Since graduating from Oklahoma City University School of Law, where I met my lovely wife Lorraine, I have held a variety of positions with companies involved in the retirement plan industry. I currently live in Haddon Heights, New Jersey for the past 21 years with my wife and my three sons, Hunter(19), Tyler(14) and Logan (10).
Why did you choose this career?
While in law school, I took an ERISA course and found it fascinating. This propelled me to pursue a career in the retirement industry and I haven’t looked back. I love the challenge of learning something new every day and keeping up to date with the constant changes in the industry.
What was your first impression of ASC?
ASC feels like family. I have received lots of emails and phone calls welcoming me to the company. Additionally, I am honored to work hand in hand with ERISA Expert John Griffin and Rich Hochman, titans of the retirement industry.
What will your focus be at ASC?
I will be drafting DB restatement documents and providing DGEM support & ERISA consulting. I am excited to work together with John, Rich and Dawn.
What skills/abilities do you use on a daily basis?
I use my research and writing ability on a daily basis. Though many feel that research is tedious, I actually love doing research! And I have always enjoyed writing as it comes quite naturally to me.

What might someone be surprised to know about you?
I ride a motorcycle on the weekends. Surprised? I also love to cook. We enjoy hosting our extended family for holiday dinners (guess who cooks?). I am known for my beef wellington and Thanksgiving turkey!?
How do you handle stress and pressure?
OK. I admit. I am a “list maker”. Since it is easy to overlook things when under more stress, I create lists (and more lists) which help me stay on top of things and prioritize.
What do you like to do in your spare time / hobbies?
Well, I love my motorcycle, and I told you about my cooking ability. Additionally, I enjoy spending time with Lorraine and the boys. We are very active Boy Scout members. Our oldest son, Hunter is an Eagle Scout and we are very proud of his achievements. Boy Scouts provide a chance for kids to learn life skills and become successful adults. We also enjoy hiking and camping together as a family.
Who would you say your role model is?
Stephen H. Rosen is my role model. He is my previous boss, a wonderful person and he has taught me so much. His integrity in business and knowledge of the industry make him a hard act to follow. Steven lives 2 miles from me and is always checking in on me. We have a very special friendship and I don’t take it for granted. He is a former president of ASPPA and actually signed my ASPPA certification back in the day!
Trent, thank you so much for your time. We are happy to have you onboard!!