Rich Hochman Joins Actuarial Systems Corporation
Actuarial Systems Corporation (ASC) is pleased to announce that Richard Hochman, the nationally recognized retirement industry personality and former head of the McKay Hochman Co., Inc. will be joining ASC October 1st.
Rich is currently the President–Elect of the American Society of Pension Professionals and Actuaries (ASPPA) and was the 2012 recipient of ASPPA’s Educator of the Year Award. Over the last three plus decades, Rich has demonstrated his talent for drafting a full range of prototype defined contribution and defined benefit plans and has provided expert advice to both plan service providers and employers about best practice operation of retirement plans. Rich is acknowledged as an industry leader helping to assure a secure retirement for the nation’s workforce. He joins the other talented members of the ASC staff and will work with John Griffin J.D. and LL.M. (Taxation), in particular, to support the expanding ASC client base with a wide range of technical services.
Among Rich’s first tasks will be assisting former McKay Hochman clients with the conversion to ASC documents and systems. Additionally, ASC will use his energy and skill sets to enthusiastically support all ASC clients with administrative and compliance issues.
Rich is excited to be moving ahead in his career and finding a new opportunity to serve the retirement community. “Working within the ASC family will allow me to better serve clients, both old and new. I am motivated by the fact that ASC is a company dedicated solely to servicing the retirement plan industry. It delivers a full range of products and services, not just the generation and support of plan documents.”
Alan Gould, ASC’s President said “We were thrilled when presented with the opportunity to add Rich to the ASC family. Rich is a recognized industry expert and adds another dimension to our talented and professional staff. We have long respected his abilities and are pleased to have his experience and enthusiasm available to enhance our service to our customers.”