Live & Recorded Webcasts by ASC

Earn CE credits with our professional training

ASC Learn & Earn CE Credit Webcast Series:
Webcast Series
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Presenter: John Griffin, J.D., LL.M.

Whether you're new to the retirement plan industry or an experienced professional looking for a review, ASC's 3-session Basics of 401(k) Plans webcast series will give you a solid foundation and understanding of the rules applicable to 401(k) plans.

This webcast series focuses solely on the unique aspects and features of 401(k) plans that are essential to retirement plan practitioners.

In Session 1, John Griffin, J.D., LL.M. will discuss the following topics:

  • Introduction to 401(k) Plans
  • Popular plan designs
  • Plan documents and IRS approval
  • Eligibility, coverage and vesting rules
  • Plan communication and participant enrollment
  • Deduction rules


Attendees may choose to register for the entire 3-session series or any of the individual sessions.

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Presenter: John Griffin, J.D., LL.M.

Whether you're new to the retirement plan industry or an experienced professional looking for a review, ASC's 3-session Basics of 401(k) Plans webcast series will give you a solid foundation and understanding of the rules applicable to 401(k) plans.

This webcast series focuses solely on the unique aspects and features of 401(k) plans that are essential to retirement plan practitioners.

In Session 2 John Griffin, J.D., LL.M., will discuss the following topics:

  • Limitations on contributions
  • Compensation definitions
  •  Determining "highly compensated employees"
  • Application of the nondiscrimination rules, including ADP/ACP testing
  • Safe harbor and automatic enrollment plans, including QACAs and EACAs
  • Top heavy plan requirements
  • Loans, distributions and taxation
  • And much more


Attendees may choose to register for the entire 3-session series or any of the individual sessions.

Purchase Now
Presenter: John Griffin, J.D., LL.M.

Whether you're new to the retirement plan industry or an experienced professional looking for a review, ASC's 3-session Basics of 401(k) Plans webcast series will give you a solid foundation and understanding of the rules applicable to 401(k) plans.

This webcast series focuses solely on the unique aspects and features of 401(k) plans that are essential to retirement plan practitioners.

In Session 3 John Griffin, J.D., LL.M., will discuss the following topics:

  • Fiduciary concerns, including timely deposits of elective deferrals
  • Plan investments and participant direction
  • Form 5500 and other government filing requirements
  • Terminating a 401(k) plan
  • IRS/DOL correction programs


Attendees may choose to register for the entire 3-session series or any of the individual sessions.

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• Individual Classes: $/class ($/class for ASC clients)
Full Series Discount: When you sign-up for all classes the cost for the series is $ ($ for ASC clients)

Each webcast in the series qualifies for 2 hours of Continuing Education Credits for ERPA, NIPA, ASPPA, Enrolled Agent and JBEA.