Your Transition from McKay Hochman, Co., Inc. Will Be Smooth & Automated with ASC
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What Happens When You Come to ASC?
As DST and McKay Hochman Consulting Company (MHCO) have informed you, they will discontinue plan document services to their clients at the end of 2016. DST, MHCO and ASC are working together to assist you in transitioning from MHCO to ASC as your new document provider. ASC, a recognized industry leader in the retirement plan industry for over 34 years, offers the premier Document Generation and Management (DGEM) system with extensive plan offerings, a state-of-the-art internet-based platform and world class expertise and support.
When you choose ASC as your document provider, you will receive the following benefits:
- A mutually-developed and pre-tested process to transition your documents from the MHCO platform to ASC. You may continue to utilize your pre-approved MHCO documents until an amendment or restatement is necessary. After your transition to ASC, ASC will provide support for your plan documents for continued compliance with IRS regulatory requirements.
- You may adopt, at any time, any of ASC’s pre-approved PPA defined contribution plan documents as a word-for-word sponsor. You will pay only the IRS user fee of $300 per plan; all ASC application processing fees will be waived. Adopting ASC documents will allow you to add new plans and easily make amendments to existing plans.
- ASC will automatically map the provisions of your MHCO plans to the ASC DGEM system, to the extent possible, at no additional cost.
- With ASC, you receive the expertise of document drafter John Griffin, J.D., LL.M. and ASC’s excellent support team.
- ASC will offer free webcasts starting in August 2016 addressing your transition issues and demonstrating the features of the ASC plan documents and its DGEM system.
- MHCO transition clients will receive discounted registration fees for ASC’s well-respected continuing education webcasts.
- For those MHCO clients who have submitted applications to the IRS to adopt the MHCO PPA pre-approved defined benefit, cash balance and pre-approved 403(b) plans, the IRS will permit you to “switch” your applications, for no fee, to the comparable ASC pre-approved plans. ASC will not charge any processing fees for these “switches.” (ASC will assist you in determining which ASC plans best meet your needs.)
If you have any questions, please email and an ASC/MHCO Transition Representative will assist you.

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